
Our Values

Gospel-Centered - The basis for all we do is the radical grace and good news of Jesus and his renewing kingdom.  We live this out by focusing on the Gospel in worship and discipleship. (Listen)

Jesus’ Heart - Our heart goes out to the people Jesus loved: the poor, the marginalized, and the broken.  We live this out by making space for all in our community and serving the poor.  (Listen)

Real Family - We’re there for each other and move past superficiality to allow meaningful change to happen in real relationships. We do this by encouraging truthfulness and transparency, and by doing family-type things together.

Listen to these messages on the value of Real Family (FoundationPractices #1 and Practices #2)

Integrated Spirituality - We allow God to transform us deeply from the inside out so that our whole lives become worshipful and integrated. We do this through contemplative practices and promoting emotional health. (Listen)

Adventure - We value the spirit of adventure, following Jesus by the Spirit’s leading into uncharted territory. This starts with personal engagement in the challenges of church life and into each individuals' personal vocational calling. (Listen)

Multi-Ethnic - Diversity is beautiful. By coming together in diversity, we reflect the power of the Gospel to tear down walls and the profound nature of God's hospitality which makes room for all.